Malerei / Painting

Malerei / Painting
Doris Piwonka
Texts by Martin Prinzhorn and Esther Stocker
German/English, 48 pages, numerous illustrations in colour, 20 x 27 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-18-1
€ 18,00 [A]
€ 17,50 [D]
Doris Piwonka’s paintings are exemplary for contemporary painting that approaches abstraction using the metaphysical characteristics of materials and processes. The sequence of images in the book gives an insight to Piwonka’s working method. Rules that do not exist are broken, graphic elements emerge as icons. Within the frame, there is more to discover – be it a register of colour-palettes or the confrontation of geometrical figures and gestural brush strokes. The freedom not to stick to representative subjects animates this painting.