Der schwarze Mann.

Der schwarze Mann.
Die unerträgliche Seite.
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Translated by Johannes Schlebrügge
160 pages, 5 illustrations in b/w, German, 200 x 140 mm, paperback
ISBN 3-85160-004-5
€ 15,00 [D]
In December 1969 and January 1970 Pistoletto wrote The Minus Man, the Unbearable Side, a reflection on the activity conducted by The Zoo. The essay was written in exactly one month’s time, in one, final draft, on the 365 pages of a diary. The book took its name from The Minus Man, a game that was staged by The Zoo in Corniglia, in the summer of 1969, and that reappeared in The Minus Man’s Office, an installation first presented in Bologna in 1970. The Minus Man is for Pistoletto the symbol of the sole being, of the uniqueness in the great play of the double, and of the void understood as the container of all things.
"Der schwarze Mann" is the German translation from italian language original version.